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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Greed 2: Friends

I just pushed an update to Greed that replaces the "Friends' Shared Items" view with a "Friends" item that displays a list of Google Reader users you're associated with either by following them or being followed by them. Each Friend is treated as a feed, with its own unread count, etc. You can see the details or a friend (and optionally un-follow them) by long-pressing and selecting "Details" on an item in the list. From there, you can see a rudimentary set of their information (e-mail addresses, listed websites, location).

That's pretty much it for this update.


  • At 10:01 AM , Blogger SBromagem said...

    I'm really enjoying the new update but wanted to know if the feature to scroll through your unread items with the volume rocker would be put in to this app? I have been using NewsRobPro and love this feature, however I prefer your interface much more and it would make sifting through feeds much quicker than using the on-screen arrows.

  • At 10:59 AM , Blogger Kelly said...


    That's an interesting idea. I think it would be a cool feature to add to Greed. That said, I have a reservation about doing it, because it's a feature unique to another product of the same type.

    Although I'm keen to implement suggestions from users, I would probably only add that feature if a large number of people asked for it, because of how it would appear.

    Some other way of scrolling through articles would definitely be a plus though.

    I hope this makes sense...

  • At 11:05 AM , Blogger SBromagem said...

    It makes sense, thanks for the follow-up.

  • At 11:33 AM , Blogger SBromagem said...

    I have another quick question, is there a way to sort the unread items to "oldest first"? That's how I usually view Google Reader.

  • At 6:14 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    I'm the PM for Google Reader. I'm not sure if you're aware of this Reader authentication change, but Reader is deprecating the SID cookie-based authentication method in favor of ClientLogin, OAuth, or other such officially supported programmatic authentication methods. You can see more details at:

    Both of these messages come from the "Friends of the Unofficial Google Reader API" group ( If you're not already, you should also subscribe to the group to be in the loop for any future changes to the "API."

    We're seeing requests come from "Fognl Google Reader gzip API" which I'm guessing is your app, and it looks like it's passing in an SID cookie, which will stop working in on 6/15. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email at


  • At 7:28 AM , Blogger Hal said...

    Kelly, I'm honored to be your example friend. :D


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