Greed 2: Authentication errors
I've noticed a number of remarks in the Market about authentication errors with Greed in the past few days.
I've also been contacted a few times about it. One person mentioned having some authentication issues trying to get into Google Reader on her laptop.
I'd be interested to know if anyone is having trouble of this kind with Greed, and if so, what are the exact symptoms? I've been unable to reproduce the problem here.
I've also been contacted a few times about it. One person mentioned having some authentication issues trying to get into Google Reader on her laptop.
I'd be interested to know if anyone is having trouble of this kind with Greed, and if so, what are the exact symptoms? I've been unable to reproduce the problem here.
At 7:18 AM ,
Hal said...
I am having this problem as well. It is very easy to repro, I am not doing anything special.
At 8:08 AM ,
Kelly said...
Could you let me know the steps you're taking to reproduce this, if possible using the latest update from the Market?
At 9:09 AM ,
Hal said...
I click on Folders, then Labels, then scroll down to a label and click to go to items. Then the err is 401: unauthorized.
At 11:22 AM ,
Joe said...
I'm having the same issues. If I click on "What's New" or Starred Items, I get an error message: "Sorry! There was an error loading articles. Unauthorized (401)."
If I click on Feeds or Friends, I get a list of my feeds/friends and when I select a feed/friend I get the same error message.
I have no done anything to attempt to correct the issue. Let me know if I can do anything to help.
At 10:16 PM ,
Kelly said...
Hal, Joe,
Thanks for the info.
I made an update to the HTTP-requesting code in Greed that clears out the authorization token and retries whatever it was doing when it gets a 401 error. If you want, you could download this update at, and give it a try. I'd be very interested in knowing if you still encounter the auth errors with this update.
If you do, and you don't mind doing it, you could download and send me a copy of your device logs. I'm having a hard time getting the 401s to happen here, so any help tracking this down would be HUGELY appreciated.
At 6:14 AM ,
Hal said...
Kelly, the first apk isn't a valid link, can you double check the upload?
At 8:03 AM ,
Kelly said...
Oops! Sorry about that. The link is:
At 5:04 PM ,
Unknown said...
I had the same issue. After clearing the cache, all was fine. I ran into that issue, after upgrading to the newest version.
At 6:42 AM ,
Hal said...
I tried clearing my cache and I still receive auth errors.
At 8:38 AM ,
Kelly said...
Thanks for the update. I assume you cleared your tokens as well?
I pushed an update last night, and it has some updates that should help in determining the cause of the problem. If you have time and feel like it, a log file the next time you see the error would be great.
At this point, I just wish I could get any copy of Greed that I have here (on an emulator or real phone) to have the problem. Frustrating...
At 9:54 AM ,
Hal said...
Latest version works!
At 12:39 PM ,
Kelly said...
Fantastic! Please let me know if you have any issues with it. Thanks for your help!
At 6:21 PM ,
Unknown said...
It still doesn't work for me! I have a Nexus One, and I've tried everything listed in the comments here. I have also tried uninstalling and installing the program again from scratch.
The error message is:
"Sorry! There was an error loading articles. The user in not authenticated! Authentication is required to perform most API requests."
At 8:32 AM ,
Kelly said...
Would you be able to download, and send me your logs when you see this error? I would really appreciate it.
At 9:37 AM ,
Unknown said...
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for your attention.
As it turns out I don't see the error anymore. I restored my phone's factory settings and deleted all apps. I then re-installed the ones I really use, which include Greed 2. And the error messages went away. My hypothesis is that there must have been some sort of incompatibility problem with something else I had installed, and if I see it again I'll be sure to send you the log files your requested.
At 9:43 AM ,
Kelly said...
Great to hear. Please let me know if you have further problems with this.
At 10:27 PM ,
hongjun said...
Login takes forever
At 11:00 AM ,
Andy said...
I'm trying to log into my Google account and don't seem to be getting anywhere. When I first installed Greed2 I tried to use my Google Apps account. I got an authentication error so switched to a standard Gmail account. No complaint this time but no feeds listed either. I've since tried switching back and forth between these two accounts. I no longer get any authentication errors but I don't see any feeds or articles either. I have tried using the 'Clear Tokens' option but this doesn't seem to help. Am I doing something wrong?
Many thanks
At 11:55 PM ,
Abhilash Kumar said...
I installed Greed2 this morning and it is not accepting my login credentials at all. Keeps saying "Unable to login using the specified credentials. Please visit the preferences page and ensure that your credentials are correct."
I have done just that, many times and even verified that I am able to log in to my account on my laptop.
The apk that you have specified on this page, is this supposed to fix this issue?
I will also send you the logs if the new apk doesn't work.
At 8:21 AM ,
Kelly said...
Please do send me your logs. The error you're seeing might be associated with something else. I noticed the other evening that I saw this error message when Greed was unable to read something from the SD card. I know what the issue is, and I've got a note to fix it. I'm betting that your log is going to show something else going on.
At 8:37 PM ,
Abhilash Kumar said...
How do I send you the logs? Is there an email id?
At 9:46 PM ,
Kelly said...
I'd rather not post my e-mail address here. So if you don't mind, please use the "Send developer a message" link in the Market app, then I'll respond and we'll have each other's e-mail addresses.
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